Universes registry

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Take a look at this universe through its training mode boards. Fight a duel and enjoy our new characters.
Apr 12 7:43 PM 1 months ago PoliCromix
Spiral of the damned
Beware of becoming one of them and being slowly consumed by the eternal flames.
Apr 12 5:25 PM 1 months ago PoliCromix
Clash on the Swamps
Take the challenge and fight against powerful monsters on this universe! No story, no distractions, just pure fighting joy!
Jan 31 5:59 PM 5 months ago PoliCromix
Once upon a time, there was a world like any other, but without gods. Then a duck god descended from the sky to spread love and well-being to everyone. So it said.
Feb 17, 2022 7:27 PM 5 months ago PoliCromix
Pits of the Fallen Souls
There's a mountain. And inside that mountain, there is a cave. At the end of this cave, there is a door. Open it and step in to the underworld.
Dec 15, 2023 2:34 PM 5 months ago PoliCromix
Army of Crypto
The place where the Army of Crypto fights for supremacy.
Mar 31, 2022 6:14 PM 2 years ago Army of Crypto
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